SeismicSeismic vibration instrumentation is used to measure structural vibration on bearing housings, piping, machinery housings, and machine support structures. It is particularly suitable for machinery with rolling-element bearings. These types of bearings will generally transmit both shaft-and bearing-related vibration to the outside of the machine where it can be detected by seismic measurements.

Seismic sensors provide a dynamic AC signal output in mV/g or mV/in/sec. Devices with this type of output are generally intended for connection to a stand-alone vibration monitoring system rather than general automation and control instrumentation like a PLC or DCS. Metrix offers seismic sensors with a wide variety operating temperatures, frequency responses, scale factors, case materials, connector types, mounting options, and hazardous area approvals.
- SA6200A API 670 Accelerometer
- SA6200UW Underwater Accelerometer
- SA6250 High-Freq Accelerometer
- SA6350 High Temp. Accelerometer
- SV6300 Piezo-Velocity Sensor
- 5485C High Temp. Velocity Sensor
- SA6210 Low-Profile Accelerometer
- SA6200 Accelerometer

Seismic transmitters provide a 4-20mA DC signal output proportional to the vibration amplitude, and are ideal for applications where a PLC, DCS, or other automation system will be used instead of a stand-alone vibration monitor. Metrix offers seismic transmitters with a wide variety operating temperatures, frequency responses, scale factors, case materials, connector types, mounting options, and hazardous area approvals.
- ST5484E Velocity Transmitter
- ST5491E Indicating
- ST6900 Compact Series
- IT6810 Impact
- IT6811 Impact
- IT6812 Impact
- 162VTS Slim

Signal Conditioners
Seismic signal conditioners are designed to accept an input from (and provide power to) a seismic sensor. They convert the signal to a proportional 4-20mA DC signal that can be used as an input to process control instrumentation such as a PLC or DCS. They provide additional convenience features such as optional displays, BNC connectors for access to the dynamic sensor signal, and bandpass filtering. Metrix offers seismic signal conditioners that can accept either acceleration or velocity sensors, and are available with or without an integral display.
- 5580 Smart Vibration Signal Conditioner
- 5534, 5544 Velocity Signal Cond.
- 5535, 5545 Accelerometer Signal Cond.